Saturday, February 28, 2015

Be Meek!

Happiness Trigger #4 is Financial Savvy.  Learning how to use money to best advantage brings confidence and contentment.
Years ago I discovered the Crown Money Map as a means of planning, and taking steps toward the goal of financial freedom.  It taught me that financial freedom may not come in a month, or in a year, but it can come with consistent planning and self-discipline.  Just being on that journey, with a map to follow, brings peace.
Activate this trigger: (from Valorie Burton) 1. Live below your means, 2. Be meek- choose humble surroundings, 3. Generosity; Give some away!, 4. Buy experiences, not things, 5. Negotiate (for purchases, salaries, etc.), 6. Take nothing for granted, 7. Buy time - time is a worthy investment, 8. Pay now, enjoy later (anticipation for fun already paid for!). 


  1. Hi Donna,
    Got your scripture tam as I call it and decided to read your blog. It is rare that a committed Christian actually tells the world that, yes I believe in God The Father Almighty. Even fiber artist who are committed Christians keep silent. This has to stop. Our Lord will not reward cowards! He can't. Remember Judus?

    Thank you for your work and God Bless You! Stay commiteed and hang on to Our Lord!
    Barb R.

    1. Thank you Barb. Just lately I have joined Instagram and started following all the knitters I can find. It has been very encouraging to find that many of them state in their brief bio that they are Christians. There are lots of "sisters" out there!
