Sunday, February 22, 2015

Am I "Others-Minded"?

This morning I read chapter 3 in the book by Valorie Burton.  Happiness  Trigger #3 is Service. 
Then I went to church, and the message today?.... was about getting involved, volunteering to become a part of the mission of the Church. 
Pastor Todd reminded us a bit of the history of The Church... starting most of the world's hospitals, universities, orphanages, etc. over the centuries.  Now it's our turn.... What will I do with the opportunity I have to influence others?  (Influence is a stewardship).
Burton encourages us to decide:  "Every day, I do at least one thing to brighten someone else's day."    John 13: 12-15 One-another-ing....
Matthew 23:11 servant-hood.....
Share knowledge, give things, smile, touch, serve others!  When I begin to forget to worry about my own annoyances, problems, weight gain, etc. and focus on lifting up others, I will begin to realize a lift in my HAPPY :-) 
It's as important as any workout or diet.  It will take discipline.  It makes me smile to think that I could begin a ripple of smiles in my neighborhood. 

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