Friday, July 13, 2012

Mrs Knitters Designs - a new business!!

Stan, Dear Hubby, is so impressive!!  He has been creating patterns from my pattern ideas and sending them off to Staples to be published.  So far we have the "Pansy Garden Tam" printed, and the Anchor hat, Lobster hat, Chickadee tam and the Celtic Owl hat have been sent to the printer.

Right now I'm almost finished another version of the lobster I'm calling "Lobster on the Rocks" with a brown and green (seaweed) background.
My test knitters are working on four other hats to be sure the patterns work well.  Nancy is working on the Fruit of the Spirit, Nora is working on the Blue Willow Plate, Ruth is knitting the Morning Mermaid, and I will deliver the Walnut Street Snowflake tam kit to Diana this week.  Thank you test knitters!!!

1 comment:

  1. And thank you! I look forward to knitting the Walnut Street Snowflake tam.
